The Problem

Road traffic crashes kill 1.35 million people globally every year. They disproportionately affect the world’s poorest populations, and are the leading cause of death in young children. India’s roads are the deadliest in the world. In India, someone dies from a road traffic crash every four minutes. Road crashes have emerged as the number one cause of death for Indians in the age-group of 15-45, dealing a crushing blow to the nation’s productivity and a loss of 3% to India’s GDP each year - an amount that can eradicate hunger from India, twice over each year.

Besides high mortality, road crashes drastically increase the burden of disability on India and the rest of the developing world. In India alone, close to 1 million people are seriously injured or permanently disabled in road crashes each year. We need to act now to save lives on our roads.

We need to act now to save lives on our roads.

Road Safety has been specifically called out in UN Sustainable Development Goals 3.6 and 11.2.

Our Impact
  • Advocated for and secured India’s Good Samaritan Law
  • Advocated for and secured India’s comprehensive road safety law, the Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act, 2019
  • Through our flagship “Zero-Fatality Corridor” model, reduced road crash fatalities on Mumbai-Pune Expressway by 52%, on National Highway 48 by 54% and on Bhalswa Chowk, Delhi by 100%.
  • Secured ban on trucks from carrying protruding rods, expected to save over 9000 lives annually.
  • Trained over 14,000+ Police personnel and citizen volunteers to become medical first-responders to road crash victims across Delhi, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.
  • Successfully trained over 10,000+ high-risk commercial drivers in Anticipatory Driving and Accident Prevention techniques.
  • COVID19 Response

  • Reduced average ambulance response time in Delhi from 60 minutes to under 20 minutes;
  • Successfully drove aggregation of ambulances to increase fleet size by 240%.
  • Amongst the first to respond to the Oxygen crisis in Delhi during the second wave of COVID19. Procured and deployed 991 Oxygen Concentrators, 2110 Oxygen Cylinders, 110 ICU ventilators, amongst other relief supplies.
About SaveLIFE Foundation

SaveLIFE Foundation saves lives on roads in India and beyond by improving road safety and access to emergency medical care (UN SDGs 3.6 and 11.2).

We fix roads: through crash investigations and smart engineering design, we make streets and highways safer for everyone.

We strengthen emergency trauma services: with support from ambulance operators, police forces, and emergency medical teams, we train first responders in life-saving skills and bridge gaps between road crashes and the delivery of urgent trauma care.

We design impactful policies: working in partnership with government agencies, industry, and grassroots organisations, we create and advocate for regulations that eliminate unsafe driving behaviors and enforce traffic laws to protect all road users.

The results: we have reduced road crash deaths on India’s dangerous Mumbai-Pune Expressway by 52%. We secured India’s first Good Samaritan Law to protect bystanders when helping road crash victims. Our technology helps ambulances reach Delhi’s residents as fast as possible during the COVID-19 crisis.

Our ambition is to save 1 million lives by 2027.

We rely on your contributions to save lives.